Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cloning, and other forms of reproduction

How are babies made?  Simple enough, female and male, egg and sperm.  It’s worked that way for jillions of years, right?  But all of that may change in the next decade, in two possible ways…

(1) Human Cloning
Do we have the technology to make a living human clone right now?  YES.  After Dolly the sheep, and quite a few other mammals, we can certainly clone a person.  Have we done it yet?  Apart from one aborted try in 2004, probably not.
Will we?  I would guess that the answer is yes (regardless of the laws in many countries against such a thing), but not how one might think.  We won’t have the crazy dictator cloning himself.  Instead, we’ll have a clone born to help save the life of a “sibling”.  We may never hear about such a thing, though, since disclosure would lead to prosecution.

(2) Non-traditional reproduction
By this, I mean male-male or female-female reproduction.  Are we there yet?  No, but we’re pretty close.  Ten years?  Possibly.  Thirty years?  Definitely.  I would bet somewhere in Europe, with some publicity.  Remember Louise Brown, the first “test-tube” baby?  But this will be a little different, with publicity for the doctors, but privacy for the parents, due to threats on the life of their child.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hairstyles come, and hairstyles go, but they do follow a pattern.  Straight or minimalist hair, then add a little body to get it wavy, then go all out and pouf up that do!  Then back to straight, as girls rebel against poufy hair.

Below we have:

1900s-1910s: big hair, per an ad
1920s: straight (bob) - Louise Brooks
1940s: wavy - Heddy Lamarr
1950s-early 1960s: big hair - Dusty Springfield
Late 1960s-early 1970s: straight hair (at Woodstock)
Late 1970s-early 1980s: wavy hair (the flip) - Farrah Fawcett {and more facial hair for men, a la Frank Zappa}
Late 1980s-early 1990s: poufy hair - Madonna
Late 1990s-mid 2000s: straight hair - Jennifer Aniston
Late 2000s-2010s: wavy hair - Katy Perry {and heavy facial hair for men, a la Zach Gallifinakis or Casey Abrams}

The prediction for 2020?  Big poufy hair again!